Introducing the TXST Podcast Network

Giselle Kowalski:
Hi, y'all. My name is Giselle Kowalski, and I'm the digital marketing strategist here at Texas State University. You're listening to the Texas State Podcast Network, a new endeavor that we're rolling out here at the university, and I'm joined with two of my co-hosts. You guys want to introduce yourselves?

Eddie Sanchez:
What's up, guys? My name is Eddie Sanchez, and I am a writer on the marketing team here at Texas State.

Rodney Crouther:
Hey, y'all. I'm Rodney Crouther. I am also a writer here at Texas State.

Giselle Kowalski:
Yeah. And so we're here to share three new shows with y'all, the first being Try at Texas State, which I get to dive in to the lesser known organizations and gems here at Texas State. And it's really fun because I get to talk to not only students, but faculty, alumni, and some staff members as well. It's awesome. These conversations really fill me with a lot of joy, and I get to learn things that I never knew I could do whenever I was a student here at Texas State. You guys want to tell me a little bit about your podcast ideas?

Eddie Sanchez:
Yeah, for sure. So I'm super excited to get started with Enlighten Me. In this podcast, we're going to be having a wide range of conversations with faculty members from here at Texas State, in which we'll be discussing topics that not only affect our local community, but also the region, the state as a whole, as well as the nation. So I'm eager to learn about these issues that affect not only our community, but Texas as a whole.

Rodney Crouther:
And we'll be bringing you Office Hours, a student-produced podcast. They'll be going out and interviewing professors, but not about their classwork, more about who they are and what they do.

Giselle Kowalski:
So we're super pumped to get these out. And you guys should get ready for our first episode of Try at Texas State coming out next week. Get excited, y'all. It's going to be a wild ride.

Introducing the TXST Podcast Network

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